June 5 and June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5th & Thursday, June 6th,
We left anchorage in Green Cove Springs, and travelled approximately 22 miles north to the Jacksonville area, to dock at Lamb’s Yacht Center on the Ortega River. It was pretty skinny passing through the Ortega River Bridge, but as usual, Ron did a great job steering the boat through this narrow bascule bridge; and then two more bridges prior to the marina. Once docked, we head
ed to the marina office to pick up repair parts for the non-working guest head, and a very quick trip to the grocery store (after all, I had gone almost an entire day without a Diet Coke)! The marina personnel are friendly and very helpful! As usual we had hoped to eat earlier and get to bed earlier, but it seems like we’ve been on our usual pre-boating schedules of eating late – but the good news is: we are again a ‘two potty family’! .... yes, Ron got to work in the Sanitation Department AGAIN but this time he got the fix 'right'! J Rain, rain go away – a tropical storm is on its way.

Rain, rain go away – the tropical storm seems here to stay (at least today). We decided to head out early for breakfast, and took a half-mile walk in the rain to the shopping area. We ended up marking Ron’s first visit to a Chick-fil-A! The egg, cheese and sausage biscuits were tasty and hit the spot. We then did some additional shopping and had lunch at Panera Bread (Ron tried their new ‘shrimp roll and corn chowder and gave it a thumbs’ up)! Ron got a new pair of eyeglasses, Michele got her I-Pad activated and got a new haircut (short-short), and we made a few other brief stops. Ron also had another first: he shopped in a SteinMart! After a few more items at the grocery store, the rain was still coming down, so we decided to take a taxi back to the marina with our loaded up bags. Back at the Spirit Journey we put purchases away, and took care of some odds and ends. Assuming the rain passes over us tonight, we hope to get an early start tomorrow, heading north toward Fernandina Beach, which is almost at the Georgia border.
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