We departed the Atlantic Yacht Basin Marina, and continued to head north - less than a mile from the marina we ventured into our first ever lock! The staff with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were terrific helping us with a 'how-to'...and it all went smoothly.

See the lock gates ahead of the sailboat?

Here we go!

We made it 'out' and now it's smooth seas!

More bridges, and more barge traffic...

Starting to get into the heavier-commercial-traffic channels for the ports of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News.

A railroad bridge and a 'lift' bridge.

Spirit Journey passes by many of the U.S. Navy ships...some in dry-dock, some at the regular docks. The ships are HUGE!

The Norfolk skyline.

Isn't this the cutest little tug? One of the smallest we've seen.

Oh my gosh...we're approaching the ICW's mile marker "0" by passing by the Tidewater Yacht Marina.

And, right near the Nauticus Museum that we so enjoyed.

Wha - Hooooo!!!! We crossed Mile Marker 0 for the U.S.'s ICW...we celebrated by calling our training instructors (the training took place in Stuart, FL), Captains Jerry and Wendy Taylor!

We thought we might be passing by this new Navy aircraft carrier - the George H. W. Bush. But it docked prior to our arrival at the area where we thought we might pass. The "77" is the newest carrier in the fleet and was built at a cost of $12 billion dollars!

Another Navy ship we did pass port-to-port.

More ships...

Fort Wool

A lighthouse stands among other buildings at Ft. Monroe - across the channel from the old Ft. Wool.

Thank you to all those who serve in the U.S. Navy!

Officially into the Chesapeake Bay!

It was a little choppy today; we anchored tonight in Chisman Creek.
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